Party committee
Party committee
The party committee is responsible for the organisation of our monthly drinks and the informal event prior to the monthly drinks.
We are the always cozy party committee! Consistinging as many as 6 people, we have formed a strong front as a group. Before we introduce ourselves, we will explain what we do as party committee.
As committee we are responsible for the monthly drinks in café De Doos in Gelkingestraat 11. For every drink we provide the theme and the associated decoration. When there is a nice action during the drink, we have taken care of that. The ideas for the poster also come from the committee, but our coordinator Charlotte de Haan actually makes the poster.
In addition to the monthly drinks, we also organize a number of activities prior to the drinks.
If you have any questions or do you need further information from someone?
You can send an e-mail to
Or visit our drinks, because we are always there!

Chairman - Teunis Dekker
Vice-Chairman - Romee van Vliet
Secretary - Heleen Witteveen
Treasurer - Tom van der Hulst
Committee Member - Marinya Govers
Committee Member - Detmer Hijlkema
Committee Member - Britt Huigen